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Hello, I’m Donald. I’m new to the group. How is LUNA calculated? I ran across the below calculation and would like feedback on its accuracy.…
Here We Go Again: The Cyclical Nature of Board Behavior
Each time a board enters a new cycle, it differs from the one before, because the organization and external environment will have changed.
Nonprofit Boards – Resources List
What exactly is the board’s role in helping to steer a sound financial course for your nonprofit?
Exploring Emerging Forms of Nonprofit Governance
A selection of discussions on refining governance practices to make nonprofits even more powerful and effective.
Problem Boards or Board Problem?
After more than forty years, the cottage industry of board improvement might have been working on the wrong problem.
Reframing Governance III
While we have been obsessively focused on our organizational boards, much of the real consequential action is occurring elsewhere.
Treasurer and Finance Committee: Right People, Clear Roles
How do you reinvigorate the treasurer’s and finance committee’s roles so they play a strategic part in oversight, planning, and governance?
Board Communication: Reporting Financial Information
This resource outlines the types of financial reports that are needed by a board, as well as how to present the information to the board.
How Board Members Can Learn to Spot the Red Flags
This piece by Kate Barr discusses how nonprofits can address potential problems while they’re still small enough to squash.
Revisions to OMB Guidance on Federal Grants
Hello everyone! We are excited to learn about upcoming revisions (effective 10/1/24) to OMB guidance on Federal grantmaking which among other things will raise the…