Found 190 Results
Treasurer and Finance Committee: Right People, Clear Roles
How do you reinvigorate the treasurer’s and finance committee’s roles so they play a strategic part in oversight, planning, and governance?
Board Communication: Reporting Financial Information
This resource outlines the types of financial reports that are needed by a board, as well as how to present the information to the board.
How Board Members Can Learn to Spot the Red Flags
This piece by Kate Barr discusses how nonprofits can address potential problems while they’re still small enough to squash.
Nonprofit Ratios – Resources List
Ratios embody sound nonprofit financial management. However, some have historically created havoc where they were meant to create order.
Minnesota Nonprofit Economy Report: A Statewide and Regional Analysis (2022–23)
Nonprofits play a critical role in Minnesota — providing essential services, employing local residents, and improving quality of life.
America’s Health Centers: By the Numbers
NACHC’s annual infographic showing who health centers serve, their positive health impacts, and their economic contributions.