Found 198 Results

Financial Literacy for Nonprofit Boards
A variety of information concerning nonprofit budgets, financial reports, and audits, along with corresponding resources and templates.

The Board’s Financial Leadership
A presentation from the Wallace Foundation that can help nonprofit boards understand their fiscal leadership role.

Reporting Financial Information to the Board
Your board needs financial information that’s accurate, timely, in context, and appropriate. Here’s how you deliver it, courtesy of Propel.

Tax-Exempt Organizations Alert: Audit Committees and Audit Committee Charters
This notice alerts nonprofit organizations to increased IRS scrutiny and advises the formation of an audit committee in response.

Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Guidebook
Grant Thornton LLC’s overview of the composition, duties, and functions of a nonprofit audit committee.

Board’s Role & Audit Committees
This National Council of Nonprofits resource explains what an audit committee is and the responsibilities it fulfills.