Found 198 Results

Minnesota Nonprofit Economy Report: A Statewide and Regional Analysis (2022–23)
Nonprofits play a critical role in Minnesota — providing essential services, employing local residents, and improving quality of life.

America’s Health Centers: By the Numbers
NACHC’s annual infographic showing who health centers serve, their positive health impacts, and their economic contributions.

Five Steps to Healthier Working Capital
Five steps to healthier working capital through savings strategies — and why liquidity matters.

Linking Indirect Costs and Financial Health: The MacArthur Foundation’s Approach to Revising its Indirect Cost Policy to Better Support Grantees
Even with a clear and consistent method of calculating indirect costs, many organizations’ investment in infrastructure may be inadequate.

7 Nonprofit Financial Ratios: Definitions & Calculators
Common nonprofit financial ratios you can leverage and calculators you can use to determine your own ratio calculations.

Understanding Nonprofit Financial Health: Key Ratios and Metrics and How to Calculate Them
Should you worry? How can you assess your organization’s financial health? Financial ratios are one way to answer such questions.