Found 198 Results

Types Of CRM Applications Explained: Which One Is Best For You?
This piece from the Forbes Advisor by Lee Davis and Cassie Bottorff provides a comprehensive guide (circa March 2023) to the varieties of customer relationship…

Individual Donor Funded – Resources List
The “contract” between a nonprofit and its donor base requires specific structure and infrastructure, and comes with two major risks.

Commons Collection – Strategy and Planning
A selection of resources about business models for nonprofits. Curated by the Nonprofit Financial Commons.

5 Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Consider More Than Interest Rates When Evaluating Loan Options
This blog post from IFF examines what nonprofit organizations should keep in mind as they ponder taking on debt

Operating Reserves with Nonprofit Policy Examples
This resource list from Propel Nonprofits includes considerations for reserve planning and some sample policies.

Operating Reserves for Nonprofits
The National Council of Nonprofits asks, “How much cash does your nonprofit need in reserve?“ The resources provided help answer the question.