Found 198 Results

NFF Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario Planning Tool
This budgeting scenario tool can help your organization consider up to two scenarios beyond your current budget.

Below-the-Line Budgeting
“Below-the-line budgeting” is a tool nonprofit leaders can use to address the full cost of operating their organizations.

Budgeting for Restrictions
What to do when you receive contributed revenue with a donor-imposed time frame or purpose for how the grant or donation should be spent.

Budgeting Best Practices
Approaches to preparing a budget that can function both as a high-level discussion tool and a detailed map for the organization.

Budgeting: A 10-Step Checklist
This 10-step checklist helps guide the budgeting process to reflect an organization’s programs, mission, and strategic plan.

Budgeting for Change
Adapting the budgeting process for nonprofits in the process of transformation — which, in our uncertain times, is all of them.