Found 198 Results

Fiscal Sponsor Field Scan 2023 Survey Report
From the vast amount of data gathered in the survey, a story emerges about the current state of fiscal sponsorship in the United States.

NFC Presents Webinar
Cash Flow – Resources List
Good planning and management of cash flow lets leaders make decisions in advance of problems so commitments can be met.

NFC Presents Webinar
Membership Organization Model – Resources List
Nonprofits that master the membership organization model can unearth riches and momentum heretofore unrecognized.

Here We Go Again: The Cyclical Nature of Board Behavior
Each time a board enters a new cycle, it differs from the one before, because the organization and external environment will have changed.

Article NFC Presents Webinar
Nonprofit Boards – Resources List
What exactly is the board’s role in helping to steer a sound financial course for your nonprofit?

Article Insights
Exploring Emerging Forms of Nonprofit Governance
A selection of discussions on refining governance practices to make nonprofits even more powerful and effective.