Found 198 Results

Using Surplus Budgeting to Advance and Sustain Your Mission
A case study of waterfowl and wetlands conservation organization Ducks Unlimited explores the issue of surplus budgeting.

A Board’s Guide to Surpluses and Deficits
If your organization runs a deficit, you should be concerned. But it’s more problematic to assume a surplus indicates good financial health.

True Program Costs: Program Budget and Allocation Template and Resource
This guide and accompanying spreadsheet template break the process of understanding true program costs down into several stages.

Budgeting Toolkit
This collection of tools, including a program-based budget tool, is part of the Wallace Foundation’s StrongNonprofits Toolkit series.

10 Steps to Creating a Nonprofit Budget
This list hosted by IFF provides a step-by-step process for creating and presenting a budget for your nonprofit.

How to Build a Budget from Scratch: Creating the Budget Template
Kristine Alvarez at NFF explains how to create a budget informed by your organization’s goals. Comes with slides, transcript, and a template.