Found 198 Results

Understanding Cash Flow
No matter how expertly you manage your budget, you can confidently project a surplus and have insufficient cash at some point in the year.

Cash Flow Management
Hosted by Propel Nonprofits, this page discusses the need for nonprofits to manage their cash flows, as well as the whys, whens, and hows.

Proactive, Not Perfect, Scenario Planning: A Short Guide for Our Times
When what-ifs reign, it’s hard to know what questions to start with or what actions to take. Scenario budget planning can be your friend.

Scenario Budget Planning Template
Download and customize this budget planning template spreadsheet and make it relevant for your organization’s financial situation.

Plan for Different Revenue Scenarios
A part of Wallace’s StrongNonprofits Toolkit that focuses on revenue. Includes a template and a downloadable book on scenario planning.

Making Sense of Uncertainty: Nonprofit Scenario Planning
Nonprofits can’t be sure how events will affect society, the economy or the field, but they can navigate this uncertainty with scenario plans.