Found 199 Results

Dashboards for Nonprofits
In this age of data visualization, it’s useful to have a few good dashboards in your toolbox. Hosted by the National Council of Nonprofits.

Propel IRS 990 Decoder Worksheet
This Excel-based tool can help you quickly and clearly see your LUNA — your current Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets.

The Key to Long Term Financial Health: Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets (LUNA)
By comparing its current balance sheet with those at prior points, you can see how your agency’s fiscal health has fared over time.

Calculate Your LUNA
This Excel-based tool can help you quickly and clearly see your LUNA — your current Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets.

Financial Health Analysis Tool
This data visualization tool provides a 4-year snapshot of your nonprofit’s financial health, with a focus on liquidity.

Understanding Audited Financial Statements
This video explains audited financial statements and their use in understanding your organization’s financial health and performance.