What Makes a Great Board Treasurer?

Written by Kate Barr for Propel Nonprofits’ governance blog, this post offers a new perspective on the role of nonprofit board treasurer, which can be seen as “dull and/or daunting”:
“A couple of weeks ago I was asked by a friend who had just become board treasurer for a nonprofit what they should learn or read to become good at the job. I suggested a couple of workshops, articles and blogs. Shortly after that conversation I attended a board meeting of a nonprofit to talk about their financial reports and learned that they don’t have a treasurer. No one wants the job. I worked hard to make the role sounds exciting and glamorous, but I don’t think that anyone was buying it.”
After laying out the challenges, Barr then makes the case that the role of a board treasurer is to provide “leadership in the financial life of the organization.” For organizations struggling with this position, it’s an engaging, inspiring read.