Outsourced Financial Services – Resources List

Making the Most of Outsourced Financial Services
Accompanying Slides: Download here.
Transcript: In progress.
These resources will help you, but they’re no substitute for watching the webinar when it comes to understanding this topic. It’s full of pivotal guidance on determining if you need to outsource, choosing a firm, and partnering with outside providers to best effect.
An Executive Director’s Guide to Financial Leadership
This unique, grounded article discusses what nonprofits need in terms of financial leadership for outsourcing to work well. Read the article.
IN is OUT and OUT is IN: Outsourcing the Finance or Accounting Function in a Nonprofit
How does outsourcing done right mitigate risk? The “done right” part is important — and addressed in this article. Read the article.
What Are Outsourced Accounting Services?
This more general discussion of outsourced services is more business-oriented but includes some well-made points about flexibility over time. Read the article.
Jitasa, which sponsored this session and is a well-known outsourcing firm devoted to nonprofits, provides some great content designed to help nonprofit staff responsibly play their role as financial leaders and responsible partners to firms providing financial services. The following are some examples:
YPTC – Your Part-Time Controller
Like Jitasa, YPTC was specifically established to address the needs of nonprofits, and their site also has some great resources for nonprofit financial leaders, including these:
- Nonprofit Financial Reporting: Building a Simple System for Complicated Needs
- Exploring Nonprofit Financial Management: The Ultimate Guide
- Tides of Transparency: Communicating the Financial Information That Matters Most to Your Board