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Entering a Chaotic 2025:
What to Watch and Do
Join us for our final 2024 session as leaders and experts examine an uncertain landscape and highlight strategies for resilience and growth.
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What to Do When QuickBooks Is Not Enough
As your nonprofit grows, so do its financial complexities. If QuickBooks can’t keeping up with your evolving needs, this exclusive course is designed to help you optimize and upgrade your financial systems.
2025: What to Do Now

12 Urgent Financial Action Steps for Nonprofits
After a flurry of executive orders and a federal grants freeze, NFC offers a checklist of moves to make in what could be the first phase of extended financial uncertainty.
Upcoming Webinars
Assessing Your Financial Risk in 2025:
A 3-Level Framework
March 17, 2025
There is work for nonprofits to do to be ready for the eventual impacts of the current administration’s political priorities. Have you got all the bases covered? This webinar introduces a framework to help you gauge your risk position and presents a new article that discusses revenue risk in a more complete way than is generally done.