

Found 26 Results

NFC Presents Tools Webinar
Nonprofit Audit Guide 2024 – Resources List

Besides price increases and scheduling slowdowns, there are other headaches like new standards on risk and technology. Stay informed in 2024.

NFC Presents Webinar
Internal Controls – Resources List

A reintroduction and update to the essential principles of “road safety” for your financial systems — even when they’re largely remote. 

NFC Presents Webinar
Creating Your Nonprofit’s Right Revenue Mix: The First Cut — Resource List Part 1

A collection of research on adding revenue streams to — or subtracting them from — your organization. Tune in for tools in Part 2.

NFC Presents Webinar
Chart of Accounts – Resources List

Your chart of accounts should be built with an eye toward accurate financial storytelling, strategic impact, organic logic, and ease of use.

NFC Presents Webinar
Fiscal Sponsorship – Resources List

Fiscal sponsorship is an alternative to incorporation and its attendant bureaucracies, an option for even well-established organizations.

NFC Presents Webinar
Cash Flow – Resources List

Good planning and management of cash flow lets leaders make decisions in advance of problems so commitments can be met.

Viewing 1 - 6 of 26 Resources

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