I think it is important that fiscal and fundraising are consistent. We use Quickbooks and Exceed Further (not Salesforce) since they are compatible and donations are booked the same in both systems. We code the donation in our chart of accounts based on how it was solicited. So if it comes in an annual appeal envelope or the donor refers to the annual appeal, it is counted toward the annual appeal whether it is a check, donated on the website, or through a DAF. Our chart of accounts includes the various giving categories so events are tracked separately from annual mail appeals or special appeals that may only go to major donors. We often get DAF donations from our Board members and sometimes they are tied to a particular appeal and they are reflected as a donation to that specific appeal. Board members often solicit gifts on our behalf for their birthday or anniversary. We can track it for both fiscal and fundraising and tie it to that solicitation regardless of the method they use to make the donation (check, wire transfer, stock donation, website donation, etc.)